
What happens when accidents become the building blocks of the art-making process?

Glitches point toward new ways of seeing the world, an echo or document of the technology, politics and humans that co-produce them. Both Phillip Stearns' "Year Of the Glitch" and James Bridle's "New Aesthetic" blogs yearn for a newer 'New Media', one made of the mediums themselves, just as Marshall McLuhan would have wanted.

In a technical sense a glitch is the unexpected result of a malfunction, but glitch art looks at the most beautiful of these. Much like serendipity, exquisite tech-surprises often tug at our deeper understandings, and throughout history they form the basis of creative innovation. Intentional glitch-makers celebrate the magelijk in the machine; they chart unexpected beauty amongst chaotic landscapes.

This collaborative presentation program highlights artists who create beautiful problems by corrupting data, hacking signals, manipulating the medium, challenging the display.
